Are you an arts, education, or creative industry organisation? Read on to find out how you can help us make creative writing support for young people more easily accessible.
We believe that all children should have access to regular, high quality creative writing support, regardless of where they live or the economic barriers they may face. Unlike other elective subjects, creative writing support for young people is not always easy to find.
Jonathan Davidson, Chair of NAWE, identified one of the core reasons for this. He said, “Young children with an interest in sport or music can access progressive support from the age of eight upwards. There is similar support available for young writers available in pockets across England but many young people are not always aware of these opportunities.”
Hazel Plowman, Head of Creative Learning at Bath Festivals, added to this: “There are so many great organisations across the country delivering quality creative writing projects for young people and a nationwide audience of young people, full of potential and ideas who would benefit from opportunities to share their voice.”
So the problem is that, while children are waiting to benefit from creative writing provision and plenty of high quality organisations and projects provide support, families don’t always hear about these opportunities and the support itself is unevenly distributed.
We are working to change this.
In partnership with Bath Spa University, the National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE) and Bath Festivals, we are developing an online platform that will showcase upcoming creative writing support in the UK, making writing support more visible to young people and their families, and therefore, easier to access.
To make this change, we need you.
“This is an invitation to arts, education and creative industry organisations across the UK to tell us about upcoming creative writing support for children in their area. We want you to become partners in the Paper Nations cause and help us increase regular access to creative writing opportunities for young people.”
Bambo Soyinka, Creative Director of Paper Nations.
We urge organisations such as libraries, schools, colleges, academies, bookshops, local arts classes, and community engagement groups to share information about current activities and resources that support young people to develop a talent for the art of writing. It could be a creative writing opportunity that your organisation runs, or one you happen to know about.
The data you provide will then be brought together into an interactive website for young people and will be launched this spring. This website will enable families and young people to find out how to get involved in creative writing close to home.
Share Information About Creative Writing Support Now
You can submit information about creative writing activities and opportunities in your local area, via this link:
Not sure what counts as creative writing support?
Creative writing support could range from an event, a class or club, a website, or any activity that helps young people to develop and celebrate their creative writing skills. We are also searching for information about festivals and events that provide young people with an opportunity to publish their work, learn about the industry, and meet authors.
If you have any other questions, simply email us at