Writing for All

In the South West, there are places where writing is flourishing, but there are also areas where the creative writing landscape is undersupported and potential is unfulfilled. In 2019-21 we want to break down the barriers to writing and creative media industries. We believe we can create a programme that enables writers from anywhere and from any background to connect with other writers, learn or further develop their craft and, should they choose, pursue a career in writing.

We want to open up and expand writing within communities, so people feel nurtured and confident to write and share their stories. The writing communities that we will expand or build together will help guide those seeking to write for pleasure or work in creative industries.

We’re going to find and support writers from all backgrounds, skills, perceptions, talents, and outlooks. We’re going to get them together to create new ways of working and – above all – new pieces of writing.

On July 1st 2019, we launched Season One of our 2019-21 programme:

Writing for All - People, Place, Form

To find out more about our programme and how we will bring it to life, follow the links below.

Author: bildadmin Tags: