Since 2015, Paper Nations has conducted an ongoing project to map the writing landscape. In the course of conducting this research, we developed expertise in the following areas:

  1. Surveying the national cultural landscape and gathering information about what people are doing and thinking.
  2. Representing that information in a variety of creative ways - for example, maps, research documents, calendars, and videos.

Paper Nations used the term ‘Mapping the Creative Writing Landscape’ to refer to the full process of creative investigation - from the surveys through to multi-platform representations.

Interactive Map screenshotOur findings are gathered in an evidence base that informs our knowledge about which areas, forms, and topics we need to focus on next to ensure writing becomes a community art form accessible to all.

The results of our 2017-18 surveys have been presented on the Dare to Write? Platform in the form of an interactive map and events calendar. This summer we released the next evolution of Dare to Write? with more comprehensive representations of the writing landscape. Discover the interactive maps and events calendars today.

Author: bildadmin Tags: