Dare to Write: Cursed Pirate Treasure

Paper NationsDare To WriteLeave a Comment

pirate-treasureAhoy, me hearties! Earlier this week, it was Talk Like a Pirate Day, when salty sea-dogs and landlubbers alike make ordinary, everyday words walk the plank and instead spend the day discussing grog, parrots, powder monkeys, jibs and jolly rogers.

In celebration, this week’s Dare to Write challenge is the perfect opportunity to invent your own sea shanty or spin a yarn worthy of an old sea captain. Ready to shiver our timbers and get scribbling? If you dare to write, read on…

You find a treasure chest filled with pirate booty, but it’s under a curse. What happens next? Do you try to take it? What kind of curse is it, and can it be broken? Or do you watch and wait and come up with a plan? If you can get your hands on the treasure without getting cursed, will you return it to its rightful owners, or spend it on an adventure? Where will you go and what will you do?

Grab your compasses and cutlasses, then set sail for a pirate story worthy of Jack Sparrow! Don’t forget to share your writing with us via Facebook or Twitter.

In need of some inspiration? Here’s a glossary of pirate words and phrases to get you started. Yo ho ho!

(Image via LitlNemo)

Author: Paper Nations Tags: Dare To Write

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