Writing for All: The Conversation Begins – Catch Up and Join In

Joanna NisselNewsLeave a Comment

It was wonderful to welcome everyone to the launch of the Paper Nations Writing for All programme, and our £5000 Beyond the Book commissions for digital writers. 

We’re so excited by the positive feedback and inspiring ideas we gathered from the diverse variety of writers, creatives, and industry experts who attended our launch. 

For those of you who were there, we hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did. If you didn’t make it to the launch – don’t worry – you’re very welcome to join the conversation surrounding Writing for All, and we hope you’ll get involved.

Please watch our video below to relive the inspirational words at the launch, and to catch up on the conversation so far.


Be a Part of the Conversation

The conversation will continue over the next three years and will be broadcast on this website in the form of quotations and videos. See the first few quotations below.

Join In

We welcome your responses to Writing for All! Give us your feedback and join in the conversation to help us make writing at artform for everyone. Email us on writers@papernations.org or post on social media using the tags @PaperNationsUK and #WritingForAll.

Read More

Head to our Video Responses page in the coming weeks to see short snippets from the launch or head to our Written Responses page to read more opinions, reflections, and ideas the conversation about Writing for All has generated so far.


Quotes from the Launch

"What Paper Nations is launching, is about everyone having a voice, no matter what your gender, race, background; it is a democratic ideal." Jenna Ng, Head of Interactive Media, University of York. "Representation matters." Launch Attendee. "It's not me prioritising my own writing but facilitating spaces for other people to liberate themselves - using writing to make the world a better place." Camila Fuentes Diaz, PhD in Education student at Bath Spa University "It would be good if people with mental health conditions could get a prescription to write from their GPs." Jo Simmonds, MA Creative Writing, Bath Spa University. "Writing gives you the opportunity to articulate your experience, putting the power in your hands to make the change." Launch Attendee.


Author: Joanna Nissel Tags: News

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